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Real estate is one of the most rewarding business that an entrepreneur can start a venture in. Business starters can look at real estate agencies franchise opportunities in the country for their location. Real estate brokerage franchise opportunities have changed over a period of time with the advent of RERA, with their introduction the real estate business in India is now more organized and legally backed up.

The real estate business has a lot of models that’ can be explored for franchise options, a few of those models being, commercial space, residential space or a retail space and more. Real estate agencies franchise opportunities come from the real estate agent franchise, real estate agents play a very vital role in this industry as it is hard to find an agent who does not deal in the real estate segment as there are more chances of earning good than any other related industry for an agent or distributor in India. With us at FranchiseBazar entrepreneurs can explore the best real estate brokerage franchise opportunities in the country and also look at other top real estate franchise business in India.