DD PLEX - Franchise Opportunity
Space Req.
Greater than 5000 Sq.ft
Investment Range
Rs. 1crore-2crore
Franchise Outlets
No Franchisee

About DD Cinemas franchise opportunities:

Company Background:

  1. Founding and History: Established in 2015 by Pavan Agarwal.
  2. Mission: Provide affordable movie theatres with the latest amenities in Tier 2 and 3 cities and towns across India.
  3. Objective: Offer a multiplex experience in smaller cities at pocket-friendly prices.

Market Insights:

Industry Size: The global movie theatre market was valued at US$ 68 billion in 2021.

  1. Growth Projection: Anticipated revenue increase by 4.7%, reaching approximately US$ 98.19 billion from 2022 to 2029.
  2. Drivers for Growth: High-quality movies, 3D screens, and technological advancements in visual effects.

Franchise Model:

FOCO Model: Franchisee owns the theater, while the company manages it.

  1. Revenue Sharing: Franchisees receive a percentage of turnover.
  2. Expansion Plans: Company aims to open more theaters under this model.


Investment: ₹1.5 Crore (Including Franchise Fee).

  1. Payback Period: 3-5 years.
  2. Franchisee Fee: One-time payment to acquire franchise rights.


Royalties: 8% of monthly net collection for ongoing support, marketing, brand development, and resources.

Space and Term:

Space Requirement: 3000 - 15000 Sq Ft.

  1. Franchise Term: Not specified.

Franchisee Eligibility:

Criteria: Requires investment potential, access to suitable commercial properties, dedicated and passionate professionals, customer-oriented approach, and team management skills.

Roles and Responsibilities:

Brand Usage: Proper utilization of the brand's name and logo.

  1. Customized Solutions: Offer services tailored to client specifications.
  2. Training: Mandatory management-level training pre and post-launch.

Brand Protection:

Trademark and Copyright Protection: Measures to safeguard the brand's intellectual property.

  1. Franchise Agreement: Legal framework defining roles and responsibilities.
  2. Compliance: Franchisees must adhere to brand guidelines and IP rights outlined in the agreement


Profitable Sectors:

  • Streaming services, including Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Disney+, have transformed entertainment consumption.

  • These streaming services are projected to generate $137 billion in global revenue by 2025.

  • Mobile gaming, featuring popular games like Fortnite, Candy Crush, and Pokemon GO, is set to surpass $196.8 billion in revenue by 2025.

  • Live events and concerts, known for their shared experiences and large crowds, continue to attract millions of viewers.

  • E-sports, characterized by massive prize pools and a global fan base, is expected to exceed $1.87 billion in revenue by 2025.

  • This growth is estimated at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 9.7%.

If you want to start an entertainment business. FranchiseBazar can help you start a business.  For further information, please contact us.



Operations Commenced On: 2015 Franchising / Distribution Commenced On: 2023 Number of Employees: Not Revealed
Business Models
Industry Segment Investment Franchise Fee Space Expected No of Hours / month Expansion Location/s
Entertainment & Leisure Movie Multiplex Screening Rs. 1crore-2crore Rs. 15Lakhs - 20Lakhs Greater than 5000 10 - 20hrs 3 places
Preferred Expansion Locations
North India, West India, East India,
Ideal Entrepreneur Profile
What should be the Education level of an Entrepreneur? : Not Revealed
What should be the skill set of an Entrepreneur? :
Not Revealed
What is that the business seek from an Entrepreneur? : No Ideal Franchisee Profile
Previous Experience of Entrepreneur? :
Not Revealed
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1 Review
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Array on Oct 04, 2023 06:24 AM
Rated by FranchiseBazar
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Business Information
How many franchisees are presently operational in home country? : No Franchisee
How many franchisees do you have across the world? : Not Revealed
Franchisees presently available in home country at : Not Revealed
How many company owned outlets do you have? : 20 - 40
Company owned outlets presently available at : Not Revealed
Documentation Details
Do you have a Franchise Agreement? : Yes
Term of Agreement? : Not Revealed
Do you have an Operations Manual? : Yes
Do you have a Bankable Business Plan? : Yes
Training Details
Do you have a Training Manual? : Yes
Where is the Initial Training conducted? : Not Revealed
How long is the Initial Training Programme? : Not Revealed
Mention a few lines on the post start up training assistance the company provides : Not Revealed
Business Suitability
Is Franchise/Business Opportunity suitable for women? : Yes
Is Franchise/Business Opportunity suitable for Senior citizens, retired professionals and/or people above 50 years of age? : Yes
Is Franchise/Business Opportunity suitable for Fresh Graduates and/or Students? : Yes
Can the franchisee work from home? : No
Is Franchise/Business franchising internationally? : No
Is Franchise/Business seeking Multiple/Master Franchisees? : No
Does this Franchise/Business qualify as a Multi Level Marketing Opportunity - MLM Business? : No
Is this Frnachise/Business a Manufacturing/Job work or an assembly related opportunity? : No

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